Wednesday, December 25, 2013


Today is December 25. It doesn't feel like Christmas because I'm not at home and I don't have a tree.
Japan is not a Christian country at all and Christmas is not an official holiday. However, Christmas is not absent. I bought a calendar here and saw that Christmas Eve and Christmas are marked. Christmas music has been playing in public places for weeks, and there are plastic Christmas trees everywhere: in stores, lobbies, train stations, and even at Mos Burger. My Japanese friends have Christmas trees in their homes. I've seen many Christmas decorations, even in grocery stores. I've also seen ads for Christmas cakes for weeks. Apparently Japanese people eat cake for Christmas. I've heard that aside from the decorations and music, Christmas tends to revolve around gift-giving and couples.

One of the friends I'm traveling with is Swedish and in Sweden Christmas is celebrated on December 24. My other friend is from the U.S. and celebrates Christmas on December 25.
I spent Christmas Eve walking around Tokyo and then I went on a roller coaster next to Tokyo Dome. Christmas wasn't on my mind at all. In the evening, however, my friends and I watched a famous Disney cartoon that is shown on TV in Sweden every year, watched the Spongebob Christmas Special, and read a brief Christmas story. Then I opened a package that I received in the mail. Not to mention that I opened the last door on my advent calendars yesterday morning.
Still, I feel like I'm skipping Christmas this year because I'm not at home.

I had a good day though because I'm happy to be in Tokyo. :)
Today I walked around for hours and then I ate cake.

In the evening we watched The Polar Express.

Merry Christmas ☆

1 comment:

  1. Frohe Weihnachten. Die Kuchen sehen ja lecker aus. Apollonia
