Saturday, October 5, 2013

Other Pictures

More pictures from the last couple of weeks.

This is basically the only thing I know how to cook

I tried to make takoyaki by myself! It was a failure.


Disney is popular, and so is Pixar

I made fish for the first time!

My friends and I had three movie nights this week. During one, we paused the movie and ended up making pancakes

We used my Swedish friend's recipe for these "Swedish pancakes", but I'd argue that they're German pancakes...


  1. Also wenn du mich fragst, sehen die Pfannkuchen genau so aus wie meine.
    1/2 Liter Mich, 3 Eier, 250 g Mehl, alles gut verruehren und in der Pfanne ausbraten.

  2. ach ja, noch eine Prise Salz, und ich nehme immer etwas Butter in die Pfanne und stelle die Herdplatte auf Medium, also mittlere Hitze
