Tuesday, May 20, 2014


I've taken all my exams and written all my essays. I have no remaining schoolwork. I'm done with this semester! This completes my third year and my sixth semester, half of which was spent studying abroad.
Some other students here still have finals left, but everyone will be finished with everything after Friday. Fortunately I've gotten everything out of the way already, so I can go to Tokyo! I'm going to see one of my favorite groups perform, since they're touring Japan right now. Not only that, but I'm going to attend their concert at Tokyo Dome! I feel so lucky.

1 comment:

  1. Ich gratuliere! Schoen, dass du deine Examen und Essays geschafft hast. Tokyo Dome !!!! Mit der schnellen Achterbahn - schooooooeeeeen!
    Viel Spass!
