Friday, February 14, 2014


It snowed today. I had heard that it rarely snows in Osaka, and when it does it's very little. I guess we got a bit more snow today than what is usual, so this is probably out of the ordinary.

On the way to school this morning (normally I always bike but today was one of the rare days that I walked, since I figured it'd be safer)

Much of the snow is gone now, and it's no longer snowing. There's a lot of slush and puddles still.
Afternoon classes were cancelled. I was wondering why but I heard that some trains aren't running.
I live in the northeast of the U.S. so this snow is nothing. I know people from Michigan, Sweden, and Finland who are used to much worse as well, but some of my friends from Florida, Thailand, Argentina, and Kenya are seeing snow for the first time.

1 comment:

  1. Ich habe heute in der Zeitung gelesen, dass es in Tokyo ganz viel geschneit hat. Die Schneemaenner auf dem Gehweg gefallen mir. Deine Tarts sehen auch ganz lecker aus. Dein Gericht mit Reis und Lachs auch. Liebe Gruesse, Apollonie
